In a world where environmental challenges and conservation efforts increasingly intersect with cutting-edge technology, the partnership between Whale Seeker and Oceanites emerges as a breakthrough of innovation and hope.
Oceanites is the world’s only publicly-supported nonprofit research program monitoring the vastly warmed Antarctic Peninsula. The organization has been a torchbearer in penguin conservation for three decades. Their work, rooted in meticulous research and a deep commitment to environmental education, has been instrumental in bringing attention to the plight of these charismatic birds.
The recent developments of highly contagious Avian Influenza emphasizes the urgency and need for data collection of bird populations. Having been called the “largest ecological disasters of modern times”, Avian Influenza has resulted in the death of a significant number of elephant seals so far, and is feared to soon reach remote penguin populations (The Guardian).
As Oceanites step into their 30th year, their partnership with Whale Seeker adds a new dimension to their conservation efforts, blending traditional methods and long standing expertise, with modern technology. This work done in Antarctica serves as a model, demonstrating the power of AI in environmental monitoring and the potential for its application on a global scale.
Drone-Captured Imagery and AI Precision
Embarking on this technological journey, we harnessed advanced drone technology with Oceanites, to evaluate the capabilities of AI, specifically our Möbius solution, in the automatic monitoring of penguin populations and their environment. The strategic use of AI added a layer of precision to Oceanites monitoring efforts and the analysis of complex datasets, marking a technological leap in the understanding and conserving Antarctica’s precious penguin colonies.

Mapping Lands for Enhanced Environmental Stewardship
Integral to our collaborative venture was the use of AI for land cover (ice/snow and land) mapping. This innovative approach not only fine-tuned the precision of monitoring penguin colonies but also laid the groundwork for an advanced level of environmental stewardship.
AI Analysis: Unveiling Penguin Behavior
Our Möbius solution meticulously detected loafing penguins and those in their nests, offering unparalleled insights into the penguin colonies’ future. The swift analysis, with over ten thousand penguins accurately detected, showcases the transformative potential of AI in revolutionizing wildlife monitoring at scale and eventually in real-time.

Photo Credit: Dr. Grant Humphries, Oceanites